Church History

The Birth of Crosspoint Fellowship Church

It was a cold February winter morning in 2013 when Pastor Paul Viswasam and his wife Chelly decided to visit with Benny and Beverly Mullins. They met in the town of Savage to pray and seek the Lord for wisdom in planning the new beginning of a ministry in Howard County. The two couples prayed many times in the living room of the Mullins, seeking the Lord for His leadership and guidance in a new ministry venture. The Lord revealed His will through prayer and gave them the vision of starting a family of God to become a Church—a called-out community whose head is the Lord Jesus Christ.

The Viswasams and the Mullins prayed for the Lord to form a family of believers to plant a church; families with faith, grace, love and forgiveness. It was clear to them that the Lord was going to guide them. The core group that became the charter members of the new church includes Jay and Darla Trigger, Bryan and Maeghan Trigger, Chris and Tara Trigger, Harry and Bootsie Bowie, Don and Ruby Riddle, Pete and Sue Hegazin, Dudley and Sophia Hooper, Jamie Rogers, Lex and Millie Lossings, Benny and Beverly Mullins, Paul and Chelly Viswasam.

Although the core group was formed, there was no place to worship. Pastor Paul and Ben Mullins drove around in Howard County to find a place to hold the first worship service. They contacted several places to no avail, but nevertheless, they were determined to persist and pray. Pastor Paul remembered a friend of his, Dr. Mark Frazer, who was a former HR Executive at Bon Secures Catholic Center on Marriotsville’s Road. Aware of the fact that the Center had many conference halls and a worship chapel, Pastor Paul contacted Dr. Mark. Through Dr. Mark, a door was opened to have worship on the hilltop at the Bon Secures Conference Center, equipped with a modern A/V system. Our God is great! Unsure of the number of people who would come to worship, a call went out through the Charter members. There were 34 people at our first worship service on Sunday, February 24, 2013, and the offering was $1527. That offering became our seed money to pay the rent for the facility and to provide a love offering to our founding Pastor, Rev. Paul R. Viswasam. The church was temporarily given the name “Faith Community Church” because we started the church by faith. God does marvelous things!

The First Worship Order

“Worship the Lord in the Beauty of His Holiness”

11:00 AM

Welcome & Announcement………….……… Ben Mullins

Call to Worship: Prayer…..…………..……… Ben Mullins

Worship Hymn………………….………..…. Holy Holy Holy

Prayer time & Testimony.……………………Pastor Paul

Corporate Prayer………………….……….…Dudley Hooper

Lex Lossing

Offertory Hymn……………………….……..Blessed Assurance

Special Song……………………..…..……….Pastor Paul

Message…………………………………..…..Pastor Paul

“Lost and Found”

Luke 15

Closing Hymn………………………………….Have thine own way Lord

Prayer & Benediction…………..…………….Pastor Paul




Wednesday Night Prayer and Bible Study

Two of the charter members, Jay and Darla Trigger, opened their house in North Laurel for Wednesday night prayer and Bible study. The Lord enabled our little flock to begin our Mid-week Bible study with 10-15 people on Wednesday, March 6, 2013. The Bible study became a wonderful time of sharing and praying.

         First Baptism

One of our charter members, Lex Lossing, led a coworker, Jim Dingledine to know more about Jesus. Even though the Lossings moved to the Midwest, they connected Jim Dingledine with us at Faith Community Church. Pastor Paul and Jim met and had a discussion about being a born again Christian. Our Church celebrated our first baptism in the pool of the Triggers as Pastor Paul baptized Jim Dingledine.


The Church Logo


The Lord added people to our worship on a regular basis. One such family was Wayne and Larra Cuffley. Wayne, a graphic designer, developed a logo for the church and bought a website for the church. Wayne also worked on the first Church sign to be hung outside of the meeting place.

The Church name change

The church voted to rename the new Church “Crosspoint Fellowship Church.” The idea behind the name change was one thing and one thing only–pointing people to the cross. Note: The first bulletin’s picture was chosen not knowing the name of the church would be changed to Crosspoint at a later date.

We were sad to lose a pioneering family, Lex and Millie Lossing as they had to relocate their family to the Midwest. However, like the New testament Church, God began to add members to our church on weekly basis. As we do God’s work and face difficulties along the way, we experience His miracles so that we may grow deeper in our faith.

A Miracle Sunday

Bon Secures Catholic Center was unavailable for worship on March 17, 2013.  Through prayer, the Lord opened the door in an unlikely place. The Donaldson’s Funeral Home in Laurel opened their chapel to our worship free of charge. This was a testimony of God’s goodness; the one who called us is faithful.

                               A Miracle move

Again, we were faced with another faith challenge. Bon Secures is a Conference Center with Conferences constantly booked over the weekends. As a result, the Center cannot be made available consistently on Sundays. Some of our founding members, the Mullins, went to “His Way Christian Book Store” in Ellicott City to buy the elements for the Lord’s Supper. A lady at the cash counter asked the Mullins why they were buying just one set of communion trays since she sensed it could be either for a new Church start or for adding to sets of an established church. Although some might call it a coincidence, the Lord was clearly at work once again. The Mullins explained the new Church start and the lady joined hands with the Mullins to pray for a new location. She then informed the Mullins about a place in Ellicott City. The lady belongs to a church and the place of their worship was temporary–once their church moves to their permanent place, their temporary place of worship may become available on a regular basis. Thus, the current

location at VFW opened up. Four of the charter members Pastor Paul, Benny Mullins, Harry Bowie and Don Riddle met with the VFW personnel, negotiated the contract, signed the agreement and secured the place for CFC on a regular basis. Crosspoint Fellowship Church moved to VFW on May 19, 2013. Then, another miracle: Pastor Paul was invited to serve on the Board of Trustees of the ‘Building Families for Children’(BFC)-a faith based foster care organization in Columbia that eventually led the church to move into the facility of BFC. That’s we are currently located.

Wednesday night Bible Study & Prayer move to a new place!

The Lord blessed the gathering and we steadily grew to over 20 in attendance. The Triggers were very gracious to host the mid-week Bible study at their home, which started in their dining room and eventually spilled over to their living room as it grew.  Considering this trend, Faith Community families looked for an alternate facility. Again, the Lord came through with another miracle! One of the new members at the Bible study and prayer was Bill Exum, who is the president of a community center in Jessup. Bill, after consultation with his Board of Directors, graciously opened the doors of the Ridgley’s Community Center in Jessup on September 29, 2013, for our Mid-week Bible study to meet there every week.

The First unified budget and a Finance Team

The first finance team was formed with Darla Trigger as the first Treasurer. Jen McCluskey and Lauren Mullins became a part of the finance team. They worked on the first budget and presented a six month budget (July-December, 2013). The Lord blessed our little flock to exceed our faith budget. Praise be to His name.

The First ‘Elder’ Team

CFC believes in less ‘administration’ but more ‘ministration,’ so CFC formed three teams: 1. Elder Team, 2. Trustees, 3. Finance. Three Elders were elected to form the first team of Leaders. Pau Viswasam-the lead Elder and Pastor, Stan McCluskey, Andy Mitchel and Jim Rogers Jr.




The First team of ‘Trustees’

A five member team under the leadership of Steve Mullins was formed. Bill Exum, Jamie Rogers, Pete Hegazin, and Bryan Trigger became the first trustees of CFC. The Trustees make CFC known in the community and take the church to the next level as far as the facility is concerned.


         The First Media Team


The Lord had a special purpose for the talents of Jamie and Daniel Rogers. Together with Steve Mullins, a professional-looking website was developed and A/V needs are being handled in a professional way.




The First Praise Team


The Lord brought Clyde and Ruthann Demonte to help with the praise team and meet a few other worship needs. The praise team began with Clyde Demonte, Sophia Hooper, Jim and Rhonda Rogers, Carolyn Tedszloff, Elisabeth Rogers and Pastor Paul.






The First Mission Projects

  • Angel Tree Ministry
  • Thanksgiving Food Drive

CFC participated in the Angel Tree of Maryland prison ministry and outreach program. This outreach involves various community and church organizations connecting with young children who may have one or both parents incarcerated. Our members sponsored two families each with 3-4 children. They graciously donated art supplies, sleeping bags, toys, and their time to visit the families and drop off gifts, sing songs and share the good news that no matter what happens Jesus Loves them!!

CFC and its members worked in conjunction with several local groups to collect and donate food and food baskets to be distributed to needy families in the Baltimore and Howard County area. Our congregation worked hard to collect the food and secure donations from local businesses to put together more then11 complete food baskets and donated turkeys to distribute via The Howard County Domestic Violence Center, The Baptist Good Samaritan Network, and The FBC of Brooklyn in Baltimore MD.

The First Powerful Prayer Chain

Tara Trigger became the first prayer chain coordinator and a ministry assistant to the Pastor to get the CFC family involved in the prayer ministry.

The First Sunday School

One of the Elders, Stan McCluskey, became the first teacher of the Adult Sunday School class. The Sunday school program began on October 6, 2013.

The First Children’s program

Maeghan Trigger took charge of the Sunday Children’s program and an activity class began on October 6, 2013.

The Lord supplied all our needs

There were other needs such as an LCD projector, a pulpit, the Lord’s Supper table, hymn books, a PA system, a piano, a commercial coffee pot, and communion and offertory trays. They were all purchased by the members of the CFC. God is good.

CFC in a nutshell was born by faith and growing by faithfulness. It is a family of believers helping each other, caring for each other and praying for each other.

Our Anniversary is a milestone. Our second year’s challenge is “Each one win one and lead one to CFC in 2014.”

Our Founding Pastor and his family

Our Founding Pastor: Rev. Paul Viswasam and his wife Chelly Viswasam, Daughter Sharmila, Son Sam are dedicated to the cause of Christ. Pastor Paul answered the call of the Lord to plant a Church together with a praying group of loving Christian families in February of 2013. The Lord blessed him with a Bachelor’s degree in Christian Theology, minor in Christian Counselling and a Master’s degree in Missiology with a minor in Professional Counselling. He plans to complete his Doctorate soon. He has been in the ministry for over 36 years, ministered with World Vision International, Evangelical Methodists, and over 30 years with the Southern Baptists. Married to Chelly for 36 years, Chelly paid a big price for becoming a Christian from an Orthodox Hindu family. She was ostracized by her family but God provided Christian families to undergird them with love and care. Pastor Paul says the driving force for his call to the ministry is a statement from the first Baptist missionary to India- William Carey “Attempt great things for God and expect great things from God.” CFC indeed a great thing from the Lord!!

CROSSPOINT FELLOWSHIP CHUCH-“A family becoming all things to all people so that by all possible means we might win some for Jesus”

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